With state elections coming up in the fall, we wanted to highlight the tremendous work Republicans are doing to protect and expand freedom at the state level.

Last update: 3/17/2022


HB 1044 – Removes 15-mile protection racket for critical care facilities

HB 1455 – Prohibits enforcement of federal law, order, or rule requiring vaccine or testing more than once a month for COVID.

HB 1495 – Prohibits the state from requiring businesses to require vaccine or documentation related to vaccination or immunity status.

HB 1439 – Permits any patient, with limited exceptions, to designate a parent, spouse, family member or other caregiver to be present while the patient receives hospital care

HB 1131 – Prohibits school boards from making policies that require masks

HB 1280 – Prohibits the termination of parental rights due to a parent’s refusal to vaccinate a child.

HB 1003 and HB 1099 – Forbids health care providers and DHHS from refusing services to people based on their vaccination status.

HB 1022 – Permits pharmacists to dispense the drug ivermectin by means of a standing order



HB 1639 – Makes Youth Risk Behavior surveys opt-in.

HB 1131 – Prohibits school boards from making policies that require masks

HB 1434 – Requires that curriculum course materials taught to pupils in public schools and public academies be available to the public.

HB 1683 – Defeated this bill that would have repealed Education Freedom Accounts, which are currently serving over 2,000 disadvantaged families in the state.

HB 1431 – Establishes a parental bill of rights, recognizing the fundamental right of parents to direct the upbringing, education, and care of their minor children.



HB 1503 – Attracts jobs and investments to the cryptocurrency market by exempting the developer, seller, or facilitator of the exchange of an open blockchain token from certain securities laws and adopting the Uniform Commercial Code relative to controllable electronic records.

HB 1171 – Exempts niche beauty services from occupational and shop license requirements

HB 1330 – Eliminates unnecessary barriers standing in the way of Granite Staters entering Medical Technician fields.

HB 1560 – Grants universal recognition for cosmetologists, making it easier for qualified people to move to NH and find employment.

HB 1044 – Allows medical practitioners to have a direct payment-only service and receive a license, which is currently illegal.

HB 1576 – Defeated this bill that would have removed the anti-discrimination ban on Divisive Concepts.


Criminal Justice

HB 1476 – Tightens bail reform law to curtail catch-and-release of repeat offenders.


1st Amendment Rights

HB 1195 – Requires school board meetings to hold public comment at the beginning of meetings.

HB 1625 – Lifts restriction on protesting outside abortion clinics.


2nd Amendment Rights

HB 1178 – Prohibits state from enforcing federal statues, regulations, and Presidential Executive Orders which seek to trample on your right to bear arms.

HB 1636 – Removes firearms restriction on OHRVs and snowmobiles.



HB 1203 – Tightens laws linking voting to residency in NH.

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